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Kids Runway Inc. and its affiliates (“KRI” or “we”) understand and appreciate the concerns that our users, customers, subscribers, audience members, and other members of the public with whom we interact (“you” or “your”) may have about personal information gathered by us.


With this Privacy Policy, KRI strives to provide you transparency and ensure the confidentiality of your personal information in accordance with the principles set forth in applicable privacy legislation.


We may supplement this Privacy Policy with other terms and conditions at (or prior) to the time We collect your personal information. This may include, for example, a description of why We are collecting your personal information in a particular context, or applicable terms of use posted on the platforms, websites, or applications that KRI (or its affiliates) own, operate or control (our “Sites”).


If at any time you no longer agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy or any other privacy related terms that We have communicated to you, please do not use, or interact with our Sites, products, or services.


I. Privacy Policy Effective for Canada

It is Kids Runway Inc.’s policy to comply with the privacy legislation within each jurisdiction in which we operate. Sometimes the privacy legislation and/or an individual’s right to privacy are different from one jurisdiction to another. This Privacy Policy covers only those activities that are subject to the provisions of Canada’s federal and provincial privacy laws, as applicable.

This Privacy Policy has a limited scope and application. Consequently, the rights and obligations contained in this Privacy Policy may not be available to all individuals or in all jurisdictions. If you are unsure if or how this Privacy Policy applies to you, please contact our Privacy Officer for more information.


II. What Is Personal Information?

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, personal information is any information about an identifiable individual, other than the person’s business title or business contact information when used or disclosed for the purpose of business communications.


III. What Personal Information Do We Collect?

When you browse the website, you do so anonymously. Our web server may collect information related to your visit to our website, including: the IP address and domain used to access our website; the type and version of your browser; the website you came from to access our website; the page you entered and exited at; any website page that is viewed by that IP address; and what country you are from. we use this information to monitor our website’s performance (e.g., number of visits, average time spent, page views) and for our business purposes such as working to continually upgrade our website.

In addition, we collect the personal information that you submit to us, including but not limited to, your name, address, photos, videos and any other contact or other information that you choose to provide by:

  • using the “Contact Us” portion of this website;

  • using the “Model Registration” form of this website;

  • applying for a position with Kids Runway Inc. through this website; or

  • by corresponding with a representative of Kids Runway Inc. via e-mail and other electronic mediums.

When you request information from us, we may use the email address that you provide to send you information about offers on products and services that we believe may be of interest to you. If you have asked us to put you on an email mailing list to provide you with certain information on a regular basis, or if we send you information about our offers on products and services by email, you may ask us to remove you from the list at any time (using the “unsubscribe” instructions provided with each email and on the site where you signed up).


IV. How long do we keep your personal information?


We will store your personal information for as long as reasonably necessary or relevant to fulfill the purposes for which the information was collected, or for longer periods as required or authorized by law.


When your personal information is no longer needed, we will use reasonable efforts to delete, destroy or de-identify your personal information in a secure manner, and we will request any third parties storing your personal information on our behalf to delete, destroy or de-identify your personal information in a secure manner.


V. How Do We Use Cookies? 

The KRI website is built using the Wix Platform. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on a site visitor's browser. They are typically used to keep track of the settings users have selected and actions they have taken on a site. Wix and their Third-Party Service Providers use cookies and other similar technologies (“Cookies”) in order for us to provide our Service and ensure that it performs properly, to analyze our performance and marketing activities, and to personalize your experience.


The cookies used on our website fall into one of four categories: 

  • Essential Cookies let you move around the website and use essential features like secure and private areas.

  • Analytic Cookies let us understand how you use our website (e.g. which pages you visit), to provide statistics on how our website is used, improve the website by identifying any errors, and performance issues.

  • Functional cookies are cookies used to remember choices users make to improve their experience (e.g. language).

  • Marketing cookies are used to collect information about the impact of our marketing campaigns performed in other websites on users and non-users.

Most web browsers are set to accept cookies. However, on most web browsers you may change this setting to have your web browser either: (1) notify you prior to a website placing a cookie on your hard drive so that you can decide whether or not to accept the cookie; or (2) stop your browser from accepting cookies altogether by changing your browser’s cookie settings.   Please note that deleting our cookies, disabling future cookies or tracking technologies may prevent you from accessing certain areas or features of our Services, or may otherwise adversely affect your user experience.


Please click here to receive information about the type, categories, purpose and duration of cookies placed by Wix and Third-Party Service Providers.


VI. What About Links to Other Websites?

Our website may contain links to other websites that may be subject to less stringent privacy standards. We cannot assume any responsibility for the privacy practices, policies or actions of the third parties that operate these websites. Kids Runway Inc. is not responsible or liable for how such third parties collect, use or disclose your personal information. You should review the privacy policies of these websites before providing them with personal information.


VII. Why Do We Collect, Use and Disclose Personal Information? 

The personal information collected is used and disclosed for our business purposes, as follows:

  • communicating with individuals about opportunities, news, services, and information offered by us;

  • to contact users in connection with the events, news, and other activities;

  • process payments for our services;

  • communicate with individuals about a job or volunteer opportunity;

  • administer our programs, events, etc.;

  • to provide users with additional information about events and services in which they might be interested;

  • to enforce our contracts and legal agreements or comply with applicable laws; and

  • any other reasonable purpose for which an individual may have provided express consent or implied consent may be reasonably implied.

Your personal information may be shared with our subsidiaries, affiliates, and related entities, employees, designers, agents, service providers, contractors and other parties who require such information to assist us with establishing, maintaining and managing our relationship with you and who perform functions business operations on our behalf to provide the services you opted for. In addition, personal information may be disclosed or transferred to another party in the event of a change in ownership of, a grant of a security interest in, all or a part of Kids Runway Inc., to comply with legal obligation, to protect or defend our legal rights or property, prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with our Services or protect personal safety of users of the Services or the public.


VIII. Events


At KRI, we prioritize the privacy and safety of our young participants. When hosting events across Canada, whether independently or in collaboration with one or more partners, affiliates, or simply managing or participating in an event owned by someone else (referred as “Host” for sake of brevity) we collect and share some marketing and personal information about you with the Host so that you can attend or participate in the events. When KRI is managing or participating in an event owned by someone else, your data may be collected and used by us to host the event and to market other content to you, and we will also share that data with the owner of the event.


This information may include information provided to us at the time of submission of the Model Registration form, including without limitation, name, age, contact details, and media content such as photographs and videos. Photographs and videos will be taken at events, which will be used by KRI or the Host(s) for advertising and marketing purposes on social media platforms and with designers, employees, representatives, agents, etc. for related purposes. Please remember, though, that use of the information shared on social media sites will be governed by the privacy policies of the social media provider, and we are not responsible for how they treat the information. By registering for our services, parents and guardians acknowledge and consent to the use of such media and understand the associated risks.


All shared information is handled in accordance with our strict data protection policies to safeguard against unauthorized access, ensuring it is used solely for event-related purposes. We are committed to using this data responsibly and only for the purposes for which it was collected. However, KRI shall not be held liable for any misuse or unauthorized distribution of media content submitted to us at the time of registration by third parties, including but not limited to partners, affiliates, and other event participants. If you wish to stop using our services, you may request the deletion of your personal information as mentioned in this Policy.

IX. Sale of your Personal Information 


We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties, unless explicitly provided by the parent or guardian of children by way of online submission of the Model Registration Form. Submission of the Form shall constitute as affirmative authorization from the individual to sell or share their personal information.


X. Delete Your Personal Information


You have the right to delete or request that we assist in deleting the Personal Information that we have collected about you. Our Service may give you the ability to delete certain information about you from within the Service.


You may update, amend, or delete your information at any time by signing in to your Account, if you have one, and visiting the account settings section that allows you to manage your personal information. You may also contact us to request access to, correct, or delete any personal information that you have provided to us.


We will retain your personal information for as long as needed to provide you with services you have requested. We will retain and use your personal information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.


XI. Your Consent Is Important to Us

By using our website, we assume that you have consented to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as explained in this Privacy Policy.

You may change or withdraw your consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice, by contacting our Privacy Officer using the contact information set out below. In some circumstances, a change in or withdrawal of consent may severely limit our ability to provide products or services to, or acquire products or services from, you. All communications with respect to such withdrawal or variation of consent should be in writing and addressed to our Privacy Officer.


If you read and fully understand this Privacy Policy, and remain opposed to our practices, you must immediately leave and discontinue all use of any of our Services.


XII. Children's Privacy


For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, “Children” means individuals under the age of majority in the province or territory in which they are based when interacting with us.


We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of Majority. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with Personal Information, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected Personal Information from anyone under the age of majority without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from Our servers.


If we need to rely on consent as a legal basis for processing your information and your country requires consent from a parent, we may require your parent's consent before we collect and use that information.


We encourage parents and guardians to be aware of and participate in their children’s activities, particularly online activities. We ask that you do not allow your child to submit any personal information to us in relation to our products and services without parental consent.


We do not knowingly collect personal information of children without parent or guardian consent. If you believe your child has provided personal information without your consent, please contact our Privacy Officer (see contact details below) and we will delete it.


Parents and guardians are requested to review this Privacy Policy and discuss its main features with their children, in a manner that the child will understand.


We do not direct or request any third party to collect browsing information respecting the use of the Sites by children, nor do we target advertising to children based on browsing activity.


XIII. How Is Your Personal Information Protected?

Kids Runway Inc. endeavours to maintain physical, technical and procedural safeguards that are appropriate to the sensitivity of the personal information in question. These safeguards are designed to prevent your personal information from loss and unauthorized access, copying, use, modification or disclosure.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while this website strives to protect your personal information, we cannot and do not guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Once this website receives your transmission, we make reasonable efforts to ensure its security on our systems.


XIV. Updating Your Personal Information

It is important that the information contained in our records is both accurate and current. If your personal information happens to change during the course of our relationship, please keep us informed of such changes.

In some circumstances we may not agree with your request to change your personal information and will instead append an alternative text to the record in question.


XV. Access to Your Personal Information

If you want to review, verify or correct your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer using the contact information via email: Please note that any such communication must be in writing. 

In the event that we cannot provide you with access to your personal information, we will endeavour to inform you of the reasons why, subject to any legal or regulatory restrictions.


XVI. Inquiries or Concerns? 

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policies, please contact us via email:


XVII.  Revisions to this Privacy Policy

Kids Runway Inc. from time to time, may make changes to this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in its legal or regulatory obligations or in the manner in which we deal with your personal information. We will post any revised version of this Privacy Policy on our website: and we encourage you to refer back to it on a regular basis. This Privacy Policy was last updated on [June 10, 2024].


XVIII. Interpretation of this Privacy Policy

Any interpretation associated with this Privacy Policy will be made by our Privacy Officer. This Privacy Policy includes examples, but is not intended to be restricted in its application to such examples; therefore, where the word “including” is used, it shall mean “including without limitation”.

This Privacy Policy does not create or confer upon any individual any rights, or impose upon Kids Runway Inc. any obligations outside of, or in addition to, any rights or obligations imposed by Canada’s federal and provincial privacy laws, as applicable. Should there be, in a specific case, any inconsistency between this Privacy Policy and Canada’s federal and provincial privacy laws, as applicable, this Privacy Policy shall be interpreted, in respect of that case, to give effect to, and comply with, such privacy laws.







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